
Looking to buy Distilled Water? We are Distilled Water suppliers. Please note we only supply registered businesses.

Whether you need to buy distilled water for laboratory analysis or business purposes, it’s important to find a reputable supplier. This is especially true if you work in an industry that relies heavily on this particular type of water.

Distilled water products vary in terms of their degree of purity or ‘grade’. Some are suitable for drinking, while others are designed solely for laboratory use (known as reagent grade) or clinical/medical purposes. 

It’s therefore important to understand exactly which grade of distilled water is most suitable for your needs before you buy. Continue reading to understand which grade of water you need.

Understanding Distilled Water

Generally speaking, distilled water is a type of purified water that has gone through the distillation process

It’s produced by heating water well past its boiling point so that it begins to evaporate and turn into steam (water vapour). The vapour is then cooled and collected as distillate in a separate container, leaving behind the salts, minerals and other impurities in the original container. 

The distillation process
Distillation apparatuses may vary in design and size, but the basic principles remain the same

Although the exact distillation apparatuses may vary in design and size, the basic principles remain the same. In many industrial water purification processes, distillation is usually just one of several steps. Others may include reverse osmosis, UV irradiation, and ion exchange. 

Distilled Water For Businesses

Distilled water has many applications and is used by businesses from a variety of sectors. In the automotive industry, for example, distilled water is commonly used to top up car coolant systems. 

Person adding distilled water from a bottle to a car battery

It also plays an important role in canning fruits and vegetables because it helps to preserve their natural taste, colour, and texture. Other businesses that use distilled water include cosmetic manufacturers, breweries, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. 

Available Pack Sizes

Distilled water is commercially available in different pack sizes, so you can choose the right quantity for your needs. 

At ReAgent, we supply high-quality distilled water in specific pack sizes including five litres, 25 litres and 1000L IBC. We also offer bulk options such as pallets (32 x 25 litre) and 25,000L tankers. 

ReAgent water tanker
ReAgent water tanker

Reliable Supply Chain Management

If your business relies on distilled water, it’s crucial to have an efficient and reliable supply chain in place. After all, delays could result in financial loss and disgruntled customers, which could have a negative impact on your profits and reputation. 

At ReAgent, we understand what it takes to ensure the supply chain runs like clockwork. With nearly 50 years of experience behind us, we’ve perfected our supply chain management to ensure customers receive the best possible service. 

Distilled Water For The Public Sector

The public sector, which includes all government agencies and institutions, is a big consumer of distilled water. Government offices, military camps, submarines, aircraft carriers, government laboratories and public hospitals all need a regular supply of clean water. 

Public agencies and institutions that require bulk quantities of distilled water can search for suppliers through public biddings as part of the procurement process. 

In fact, this is a mandatory requirement for government organisations. However, the high standard set means that not all distilled water suppliers will meet the threshold required to bid for the contract.

Distilled Water for Individual Consumers

Consumers use distilled water for a variety of reasons. Some people add it to steam irons to prevent the build-up of limescale, particularly if they live in a hard water area. Distilled water is also popular with fish keepers, who use it to ensure the water in their aquarium is free from chemicals.

Small aquarium in a home - fish keepers buy distilled water to use in fish tanks
Fish keepers buy distilled water to use in fish tanks

Although some grades of distilled water are safe to drink, this isn’t its primary use. Consuming distilled water with high purity can actually lead to health problems and even dehydration due to the lack of nutrients.

Choosing The Right Supplier

Whether you’re an individual consumer, a private business or a public sector organisation, if you use distilled water you’ll need to find a reputable supplier. This is for both safety and quality assurance purposes. Not all suppliers or manufacturers are created equal, so it’s important to choose a supplier that meets your quantity and quality requirements.

If you’re buying distilled water for a business, when choosing a distilled water supplier, be sure to do your homework. Research online and speak to other businesses for recommendations. 

Once you’ve compiled a shortlist of potential suppliers, consider arranging a meeting so you can find out more about their operations and see their production facilities in action.


Before choosing a distilled water supplier, always check they have the necessary accreditations and are meeting their legal requirements. It’s a bonus if the company also holds ISO certifications as this means they’re following accepted best practices in the industry. 

ReAgent currently holds four ISO accreditations: 

  • ISO 9001 for quality management
  • The ISO 14001 environmental certification
  • ISO 13485 for quality management systems relating to medical devices
  • ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety

Quality Guarantee

When buying distilled water, find out what quality assurance measures the company has in place before you place an order. You might also want to read reviews to see what past customers have to say about the quality of their products. 

Again, choosing an ISO-accredited supplier can be a good way to guarantee you’ll receive a high-quality service.

As a trusted supplier of distilled water, quality is at the heart of what we do here at ReAgent. We’re proud to hold several ISO certifications (see above), so you can rest assured that whenever you buy from us you’ll always be getting a great product. 


When searching for a distilled water supplier, start by defining your requirements. What do you need it for? What grade of water will be most suitable? How much do you need and how often do you need it? Once you’ve established your criteria, research potential suppliers online or reach out to your contacts for recommendations. Before choosing a company, make sure they’re complying with the relevant regulations and check what kind of quality assurance measures are in place.

ReAgent sells high-purity distilled water to businesses in a range of pack sizes, with discounts available for bulk orders. We also sell deionised, demineralised and ultrapure water to meet a range of business needs.

About the author

Jessica Clifton


Jessica is a Director at ReAgent and leads a variety of growth projects. She has an extensive background in marketing, and has worked in the chemical manufacturing industry since 2019. When she’s not writing articles for ReAgent, Jessica can be found on a run, in her campervan, building LEGO, or watching Star Wars.


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